It happens — a season or two of neglecting to weed, remove encroaching plants, plus not pruning shrubs or trimming trees can hide the best features of your landscape or gardens. Over time, plants may die from neglect, lack of light and nutrients. Views may disappear because overgrown foundation shrubs block windows. Overhanging trees drop branches and shed leaves/needles which can damage the roof and clog gutters.
A foundation garden and shrubs pre-edit. Pull or prune the overgrown shrubs? Prune!
A property whose landscape and gardens are out of control is not pleasant to come home to. It can become a magnet for rodents and unwanted insects. it irritates neighbors.
Before the edit takes place, your landscaper will evaluate your property to determine what needs to be done. Discuss what you’d like to see. For example, for windows hidden by too-tall shrubs, a ‘prune or pull’ decision must be made. Overhanging trees may require a tree expert to assess their health and trimming options.
In the garden, once weeds and overgrowth are dealt with, the remaining plants and garden layout can be assessed. If new plants or a new look is desired, this is the time to do it, or make plans for next year. The soil should be improved with organic matter to nourish existing plants while enriching the soil for future additions.
The edit revealed some roses, peonies and small shrubs which were left to provide interest while the soil improves.
Should you decide to undertake a landscape or garden edit yourself, recognize that it is a big task. Some overgrowth may require special equipment or training to handle. For safety reasons, overhanging trees should be handled by tree experts, Noxious weeds and invasive plants may require a specialist for removal and disposal.
A landscape edit creates a lot of debris. A dump trailer may be needed to properly dispose of material at a location that accepts landscape debris.
Overgrown ‘junk trees’ hide the house from the road.
Removing the trees and other overgrowth reveals a stand of pines underplanted with shade-loving, low growing wild and cultivated plants.
A landscape or garden edit can restore much of a landscape or garden’s appearance and improve its health. The extent of the edit depends on the severity, type and extent of the overgrowth.
A landscape professional can help with the decisions to be made regarding an edit along with providing the expertise, staff and equipment necessary to restore order to your landscape or give it a fresh new look.
Weeds overrun a garden path. Ferns crowd out the hillside ground cover.
Weeds removed from the path. The classic granite garden steps, now visible, anchor the path and lead the eye to to an intriguing woodland. Encroaching ferns were dug up from the ground cover. The path will be mulched and new ground cover planted to fill in bare spots.
Before undertaking a landscape or garden edit, be sure to think about who will maintain the resulting improvements. regular maintenance, i.e. fertilizing, mowing, regular pruning, weeding, etc. needs people-power and time. if you plan to undertake these duties yourself, be sure you have the time and equipment to keep your property’s “new look” the way you planned it after you have finished the work. If you want to have your landscaper maintain the property or garden, it is important to make a plan with them for regular maintenance, so needs are addressed on a scheduled basis along with the costs to keeping your property looking its best.